Syrian Coalition Discusses Political & Humanitarian Developments With US Delegation - It's Over 9000!

Syrian Coalition Discusses Political & Humanitarian Developments With US Delegation

Baladi - Coverage 

President of the Syrian Coalition Abdurrahman Mustafa met with a US delegation on Monday morning to discuss the latest political and humanitarian developments in Syria.

President Mustafa emphasized the important role of the United States in striking a necessary balance in the political process.

He urged the US to step up its efforts to reinvigorate the Geneva process whose United Nations sponsorship added international legitimacy to the political process. He stressed the need to deter the actions of Iran and the activities of its terrorist militias in the region.

Moreover, President Mustafa underscored the need to activate the accountability mechanism for war crimes in Syria, especially in light of the increasing crimes of the Assad regime and its allies; most notably the forced mass displacement and bombardments using all types of internationally prohibited weapons, including chemical weapons.

Source: The Syrian Observer

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