Regime's Sectarian Massacres Killed 3,098 Individuals including 531 Children. - It's Over 9000!

Regime's Sectarian Massacres Killed 3,098 Individuals including 531 Children.

Baladi - HR Organizations

The Syrian Network for Human Rights said in a report released today that the Syrian regime has killed no less than 3,098 individuals, including 531 children, in massacre of a sectarian nature.
The report records that Syrian regime forces committed no less than 50 massacres of a sectarian nature from March 2011 to February 15, 2018. 3,098 individuals were killed in this report, divided into 3,028 civilians and 70 fighters from the armed opposition. Among the civilians were 531 children and 472 women.

According to the report, the most of these massacres took place in Homs governorate that saw 22 massacres, in which 1,040 individuals were killed, including 209 children and 200 women. Aleppo and Hama were second with eight massacres each, where 416 individuals, including 63 children and 34 women, were killed in Aleppo, while Hama’s massacres recorded the killing of 197 individuals, including 98 children and 75 women.

The report says that Syrian regime forces, backed with local and foreign Shiite militias, raided al Haswiya village on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, between 07:00 and 07:30. These forces carried out wide search operations in conjunction with shooting indiscriminately and terrorizing and intimidating the residents. The attacking forces used live bullets, as well as cleavers and bayonets to kill residents, in addition to lootings properties, jewels, and cars.

The report stresses that Syrian regime forces have violated many of the international humanitarian law rules. The report also calls on the Security Council to take all possible steps in order to implement the resolution it adopted, most notably resolution 2139, and take action in order to put an end to the huge violations that are being practiced by the Syrian authorities and pro-regime Shiite militias.

Moreover, the report calls for action on the national and regional levels to form alliances in order to support the Syrian people.

Source: The SNHR

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